Monday 29 February 2016


Pearl the fashion hero

In 1919 just after the Zulu wars in Stanger and people had stopped wearing animal skin and started wearing normal cloths, lived a girl called pearl. During that time people where exploring different dressing styles and different type of clothing but the problem was that they were not dressing appropriately. Some would wear swim wears to church and they didn't see anything wrong with it but pearl had a special gift she new what's appropriate to wear and new what to wear at what function . One day she decided that she's tired of  they way people dress in Stanger and decided she was going to help then. She went to Umhlali v which was a village well know for magic. Pearl went the king of mhlali for help . The king gave her a sparkling harm piece with white and red gribbles, he told her that she should wear the piece at all times . If she wants to use it she must move her hand up and down towards the parsons body and they cloths will change . Pearl did as she was told and the fashion since of the people of Stanger changed for the better all thanks to pearl. 

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